Get access to Additional Reports on an ongoing basis in Sage Intelligence for Accounting!

With the new release of Sage Intelligence for Accounting, you’ll not only notice a fresh, new user interface that’s easy on the eyes, but also a redefined user experience that will help make your reporting solution even more intuitive and easy to use. But here’s the best part. We’ve also added a new Additional Reports […]

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How to create a linked dashboard (or landing page) for your Excel workbook

Have you ever had the pleasure (or displeasure) of working with an extra large Excel workbook with many, many different sheets? This happens frequently, especially if you are working with a large amount of data that needs to be analyzed periodically. This may be due to multiple tables, lookups, references, charts, graphs etc. This has […]

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Gain a complete visual health-check of your business with the aid of a dashboard

Over the past year we’ve created a number of financial and sales reports, allowing you to get a handle on the financial position of your business and be able to keep track of your creditors and debtors.  We’ve made these reports freely available to you through our Report Utility. Below is an example of just […]

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