This report gives you an accurate view of the cash you’ve received into your bank account and what you’ve paid out. With this report, you’ll also be able to drill-down to the individual transactions on a specific day. To run this report, you’ll first choose the from and to date by simply clicking on the […]
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Know your numbers with the Business Snapshot Dashboard
The Business Snapshot Dashboard – Profit and Loss statement provides a visual summary of how your business is doing with regards to generating sales, managing expenses and creating profits. In other words, whether your business has made or lost money in the period under review. This can also help determine trends for future business decisions. […]
Anything is possible with perseverance (and peanut butter)
Near the end of the 2017, I read an interesting article by Microsoft’s Brad Smith, which was written as part of celebrating the completion of a 4,000-mile-long, sub-sea, communications cable between North America and Spain. The laying of this cable is an impressive achievement, as well as the fact that it can apparently transmit eight times […]
Learn how to change the year a column refers to in the Online Report Designer
In financial reporting, it is common to refer to years other than the current one, for example; in an Actual vs Prior Income Statement (or Profit and Loss report). Sage Intelligence gives you several options to determine the year that you would like your columns to refer to when designing reports in the Online Report […]
The big deal with Power BI
Over the past couple of months, the Microsoft Power BI team has been hard at work making all kinds of changes. Some good and some seemingly bad. For this 3rd blog post, I will do my best to chat about what I love and not really love about Power BI—and of course, brag about Sage […]
How business intelligence gets rid of the daily grind
Do you optimally use the invaluable business information your company collects on a daily basis? If you answer YES to one or more of the following questions, it may be about time you discover how business intelligence helps get rid of the daily grind. 1. Do you spend hours pulling together management and financial reports by manually […]
Hide a row or column when designing or editing reports in the Online Report Designer.
Creating a report can be a masterful art, and creating a report that is perfectly tailored to your audience can be an ever-evolving process – especially as the audience evolves. To ensure your report is concise and to the point, it is important to only show the items relevant to your viewers, and not any […]
How to delete data but keep your formulas on a worksheet in Excel
Have you ever found that at the beginning of the financial year you need to make a copy of the previous year’s workbook? If so, you’d need to delete all the old year’s data, but you would really like to keep your formulas in the worksheet. By using the Go To dialogue box, there is […]
How to automatically open a frequently used workbook
If you start each day needing to use a frequently used workbook, e.g. daily sales report, to-do list, calendar, etc, then this tip is for you. You can automatically open these workbooks, by simply adding the workbooks or a shortcut in the XLStart folder. This is a specific folder that Microsoft® Excel® uses in which files […]
Is Power BI really worth the hype?
Many years ago, when I was a young Business Intelligence (BI) Report Writer and long before Power BI, I remember seeing Excel 2010 for the first time—mesmerized by the striking animations that shimmer in the splash screen. I remember my excitement to play with it, like a child waiting to tear off the gift-wrap and […]
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