Using conditional formatting with custom Excel formulas

Conditional formatting is an effective Microsoft Excel feature that allows you to highlight important information, for example; the ability to find duplicate values within your spreadsheet. You can create your own rule by applying conditional formatting to individual cells or a range of cells. When you have selected the data you want to format, you […]

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Five non-negotiable questions you should be asking your reporting solution

Many companies today suffer from a lack of visibility into key performance metrics. We call this “keyhole visibility” because it’s the equivalent of trying to evaluate what’s happening in a room by looking through the keyhole. With a narrow view, you’re unable to fully understand what’s behind the door and what might be lurking around […]

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Sage Intelligence helps Microsoft introduce user-defined functions for Excel at the Ignite Conference!

“When are you introducing user-defined functions for Excel?” This was the big question we had for Microsoft back in the middle of this year (2017). Specifically for us, this meant user-defined functions that were defined in Javascript, and made available through our web-based Excel add-in for the cloud version of Sage Intelligence. We’d asked this […]

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Two ways to create calculated columns and rows in your Sage Intelligence reports

To create insightful and highly customizable reports, Sage Intelligence provides you with the ability to add calculated columns and rows to your reports.  These can be used to calculate, for example, variances, totals and other indicators at account and account category level, or based on your columns.  The below provides and explanation of the different […]

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Six software features that add value to your analytics capabilities

Assuming your business already uses an integrated software system, you will also need reporting or business intelligence tools that can extract, clean, and transform the data into a format that’s meaningful for users. New tools and technologies are emerging to make information come alive, including data visualization, process simulation, and predictive techniques. By taking advantage […]

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