Do you want to consolidate, bring together and analyze different kinds of data in one report? You may want to view your financial, payroll and payments information in a single dashboard. Currently, you may be spending a large amount of time reviewing these different reports to be able to draw a final conclusion. In Sage Intelligence, Union Reporting allows you to create an overall situation report of the desired information.
A Union Report has pointers to other existing reports and when it runs out, the raw data from the different reports (referred to as Union Sub Reports when referenced in a Union Report) is placed sequentially into a single workbook. The Union Report can have its own Excel template in which case the template files of the Union Sub Reports are not used.
Applies to: Sage Intelligence Desktop Reports
Creating a Union Report:
1. In the Report Manager, right-click on the folder you would like to place the report in and select Add Report. A dialogue will appear asking you to select the type of report you want to add. Select Union Report.
2. You’ll then be asked to enter a name for the report. Do so and click OK.
3. Lastly, you’ll be prompted to select the reports to include as Union Sub Reports. Select one or more existing reports and then click OK.
4. The new Union Report will be added to the folder in the Report Manager.
To add subsequent Union Sub Reports to the Union Report:
1. Double-click on the Union Report in the Report Manager.
2. Select the Union Sub Reports object.
3. Right-click on it and select Add Union Sub Reports.
4. You’ll then be provided with the existing reports listing and will be able to select the additional reports you would like to add.
NOTE: By default, the data from the Union Sub Reports will be output into the same worksheet. This behaviour can be overridden by setting the Output Sheet property for the individual Union Sub Reports.
Setting the Output Sheet property:
- Double-click on the Union Report in the object window.
- Double-click on the Union Sub Reports object.
- Select each Union Sub Report and in the Properties window, set the Output Sheet property to the number of the sheet to output the data to (for example, 1 for the leftmost sheet in the workbook).
NOTE: The specified output sheet must exist in the Union Reports output template (Excel template). If each sub report is set to the same sheet then the data should be comparable, i.e. have the same data columns in the same order. If the data is not similar, then it should be output to different sheets. In this case, if you have the Parameters on Second Sheet option selected under the Union Reports properties, report parameters will be output to the second sheet. Thus, the second and following Union Sub Reports should be output to the third sheet and so on.
Once your Union Report has been set up, you can run it out as you would any other report. Once open you can start creating your report layouts or dashboards based on the source data in the output sheets you’ve specified. The image below provides an example of a dashboard created using a Union Report.