How to create quarters in Excel

Currently, there’s no function that will convert dates into quarters in Microsoft® Excel®.  However, using the CHOOSE function, we can easily convert dates into quarters in Excel. The CHOOSE function returns a value from a list of items based on a position number. For example, if we had a function =CHOOSE(3,”Apples”,”Bananas”,”Peaches”,”Pineapples”) the function would return […]

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Learn how to deal with different fiscal years in Sage Intelligence Reporting

By using the consolidated Financial Report Designer in Sage Intelligence Reporting, you can compare the financial information from different companies all in the same workbook. There may be times when the companies you are looking at have different fiscal years, for example, one may run from January to December and the other from April to […]

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Learn how to easily access your consolidated financials in Excel

Consolidating your financials in a multi company business is a common requirement. The Sage Intelligence Consolidation Financial Report Designer makes this easy providing the data and functionality you need to assess how your entire company is doing, all in the familiar environment of Microsoft® Excel®. Through the combination of data contained in the Designer and Excel […]

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