Automatically Running Macros
Did you know that you can automatically run macros you have created when you run your report in Alchemex?
Why would you want to do this? Macros can be very powerful for doing many different things in Excel (e.g. formatting, filtering and securing data.) This makes the report one step closer to being ready to go as soon as it’s run out.
- Open your report manager
- Select the report that you want the macro to run in, run the report or open the Excel template in Design mode
4. Once you have created and tested your macro, save the template back or create and link the workbook back to the report
5. Highlight the report in which you have created the macro, under the Properties tab, tick the Show Advanced option at the bottom of the screen
6. In the advanced options list that is now available, locate the Run Macros on Completion option
In the text box type the name of the macro you created
Additional Notes
- If there is more than one macro that needs to be run, then separate their names with semi-colons
- If a Macro takes parameters then place these in brackets after the macro name in a comma separated list
Macros will always run after any Add-Ins should you have any Add-Ins placed in the “Run Add-Ins” property
- Combine macro names and Add-Ins in the same property to ensure the correct order thereof when running the report
- Example: To have a macro run before an Add-In, place the macro name in the “Run Add-Ins” property before the Add-In
7. Once you have entered the name of the macro, make sure you Apply the changes to the report
8. Run the report out and your macro will automatically run