It’s never too late to draw up a budget, especially in the current global economic climate. A budget is an invaluable tool to help you prioritize your spending and manage your money – no matter how much you have. Basically, a budget is an indication of expected income and expenses for a certain time frame. It can help you make critical decisions like whether to splurge on a fancy Italian restaurant for dinner or stay home for salad.
We created a budget template that you can use to manage your personal finances, or tweak it slightly to use it for business purposes. This template includes a report which tracks, in a graphical format, whether you’re on budget or not.
You can download the template and start using it immediately, but. do look out for next weeks’ tip as we’ll get into more detail about the concepts applied in this template.
Applies To: Microsoft® Excel® 2010 and 2013
- Download the template.
- Enter your budget on the monthly budget worksheet.
- To see a report of the templates you have entered click on the report worksheet. The various reports will be displayed.
- You can play around with what to view by clicking on the slicers.