Easily start up other apps when running Sage Intelligence reports

When working with reports, you may make use of other tools to help analyze the data in them. For example; a calculator or notepad.  Did you know that Sage Intelligence allows you to automatically open other programs when a report is run?  Through the CmdExec add-in this is possible.

In this tip, I’m going to show you how you can do this by loading calc.exe and notepad.exe when my Sales Details report is run.

1. In the Report Manager, select the report you want to work with.

2. Make sure the advanced options are shown by clicking the ‘Show Advanced’ checkbox at the bottom of the Properties tab.

3. Click the ellipsis next to the ‘Run Add-Ins’ field.


4. In the Select Add-In Function dialogue choose ‘Specify a New Add-In Function’ and click OK.

5. Then in the Choose Add-In Function dialogue pick ‘Alchemex Add-In 1’ from the ‘Select Add-In Library’ dropdown.

6. Next select ‘Operating System Functions Module’ from the ‘Select Add-In Library Module’ drop down.

7. And then choose ‘CmdExec’ from the ‘Select Add-In Function’ list and click OK.


8. Enter the name of the executable you wish to launch in the ‘Command’ field and click OK.


9. You will notice the ‘Run Add-Ins’ field now includes the new add-in and the application will be launched at the end of the report run.


If you would like to open another program then repeat the above steps, entering the executable name for it in the Specify Function Parameters dialogue.  The below image gives an example for Notepad.exe.


Also take note that when you run your report, for security reasons, you’ll be prompted to confirm the loading of each application.


After selecting Yes, each one will open and the report run will complete.
