Sage Intelligence Connector Module: Testing Containers

There are 2 options to test the Containers in the Sage Intelligence Connector Module, before using the Container to build a Report.

  • Sample Data
  • Check/Test

Sample Data The Sample Data icon tip1.1 enables a sample of data to be viewed from a source Container in the Sage Intelligence Connector Data Screen. The sample includes 50 Rows with all columns from the underlying source. NOTE: The sample brings back all fields regardless of what expressions have been published for the Container.


This feature is useful in the MetaData mapping process and allows a quick way to view and choose the fields that should be published. It is also useful when used on individual expressions, especially when using SQL expressions to ensure that the syntax you have used will achieve the desired result. NOTE: The Sample Data feature cannot be performed on a Container or a Container expression where the connection server and database names are set as pass through variables. Check/Test The Check/Test feature enables checks to be run on objects selected in the object window to make sure that they will function correctly.


This is especially useful when advanced options are used for an object. For example when changing a data Containers source from a simple Table to a SQL Join then this function can be used to check the SQL against the source database system, or when using it against a connection object it will test that the connection can be established.
