Is there a way to convert an Alchemex report automatically to a PDF file?

This can be done by using the Generate Output file option that can be made available by selecting your report in the Report Manager and checking the Show Advanced Checkbox on the Properties Tab










1.   Select your report and make sure that you check the show advanced checkbox to reveal all the report properties

2.   Click on the ellipses button opposite the “Generate Output File” field from within the report manager and select a file name and file location to save the file to.  (For the example suggest using the name Test and saving to the desktop i.e. C:UsersVmtesterDesktopTest.xls).   You can also check the box Close Book on Completion




3.   To have this saved to the Desktop in PDF; change the file extension of .xls to .pdf




4.   Run the report and the output will be saved as a pdf to the chosen location


  • The page properties of the pdf document will be inherited from that of your report’s template file i.e.  Test.xlt  –  So to get the pdf to display as you wish, say for example on a single page in landscape format, you must set that up in the original Test.xls Excel output, and create and link that workbook back to the original report that was run in the Report Manager.   These page settings will then be used when saving your report output to pdf
  • If you have several Excel worksheets in a report, only the sheet that is currently displayed when the report is run will be converted and saved to pdf