Are you looking for an easy and effective method of removing hyperlinks from your worksheet? Sometimes when you copy data from the internet or other sources, you often run the risk of bringing across embedded hyperlinks. Manually removing all the hyperlinks from your worksheets can be a tedious and time consuming exercise.
In this week’s tip, we will take you through an easy process of applying a code to your worksheets that will save you time and effort of having to manually remove the hyperlinks. This simple trick will remove all the hyperlinks from your worksheet in just one click.
Applies To: Microsoft® Excel® 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016.
1. Ensure you are on the worksheet you would like to remove the hyperlinks from.
2. Press ALT+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.
3. From the Menu bar, select Insert Module and copy and paste the below coding into the window on the right.
Sub RemoveHyperlinks()
End Sub
4. From the Menu bar, select File, Close and Return to MS Excel.
5. Press ALT + F8 to view a list of Macros.
6. Select the Macro, RemoveHyperlinks, and then select Run.
N.B Ensure that your Macro Settings are not disabled under the Macro Settings Option.
To set your Macro security level, follow the steps below:
- On the Office/File tab, select Options.
- On the left side of the dialogue box,select Trust Centre.
- Select the Trust Centre Settings button.
- On the left side, select Macro Settings.
- Select Disable all macros with notification.
All the hyperlinks have been quickly and easily removed, thus saving you time and effort.