Get access to Additional Reports on an ongoing basis in Sage Intelligence for Accounting!

With the new release of Sage Intelligence for Accounting, you’ll not only notice a fresh, new user interface that’s easy on the eyes, but also a redefined user experience that will help make your reporting solution even more intuitive and easy to use. But here’s the best part. We’ve also added a new Additional Reports […]

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Learn how to use Title Variables in your Sage Intelligence reports

Having a meaningful title for a report can help make its intention clear.  For example, being able to add a date to a report name allows you to tell at a glance what information the report is referring to, and having this work dynamically is an obvious convenience.  Sage Intelligence has now made this possible […]

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Heroes unite: How Excel and Power BI can defeat misinformation together

Ever pictured the most popular business reporting and analytics tools as superheroes, fighting to defend businesses against pesky misinformation? Well, our in-house business intelligence specialist, Nigel Naicker, has. Here’s his creative account of how two well-known heroes, Excel and Power BI, can unite and use their superpowers together to defeat misinformation for good! The city […]

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Learn how to share your report between different users and companies

Did you know that in Sage Intelligence you can design a report in one company and view that same report in a different company?  That’s right, just as long as those companies carry the same account structure, you can share your report. This report will go through the following process: Designed in one company Exported […]

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