The ‘Run Report Batch’ facility allows users to run a sequence of reports one after the other from top to bottom.
NOTE: The run sequence will always be top to bottom so it is important to name your reports in a way that will ensure that the report you want to run first is at the top of the batch. For example: if you have an existing group of reports in a folder which will not run in the sequence that you would like, then rename your reports numerically, i.e. 1FirstReport, 2SecondReport, 3ThirdReport.
To run all reports in a folder:
1. In Report Manager, ensure you have named your reports in sequential order.
2. Select the folder that contains your reports.
3. Right-click on the folder and select Run Report Batch or Run Report Batch (Mode 2).
WARNING: The Run Report Batch option aborts the batch of reports if any of the reports return no data. The second option, Run Report Batch (Mode 2), will run all reports regardless of whether the reports contain data or not.
4. Sage Intelligence Reporting will automatically run each report in sequence.