Saving a Report to a File

Saving a Report to a File

Sage Intelligence Reporting allows you to automatically close your Microsoft Excel workbook on completion of your report and to save the report to a fixed file in a designated folder. This is useful when a report needs to be run and saved to a centralised location on a regular basis or when the report is being run as part of a report batch.

To automatically save a report to a file:

1.  In the Report Manager, select the report.

2.  Select the Show Advanced option in the properties window.

3.  Use the browse button on the Generate Output File property file to browse to a folder.


4.  Type the name of the desired file and click Save or Browse the Folder you would like the Report saved to and give the file a name. When you refresh your report, your output file will be displayed in the Generate Output File property field

5.  To automatically have the Excel work book close on completion of running the report, ensure that you enable the option Close Book on Completion.