Alchemex Values Part 5: FISH! By Darryl Smith

This week I was tasked with writing a post about Pike Place. Those staff that have been with Alchemex long enough will remember how our sales team used the video of Pike Place to inspire how they worked and celebrated every sale. In 2006 I was lucky enough to visit the Microsoft Campus in Redmond just outside of Seattle and guess who I bumped into?

It was quite ironic that I logged on to Facebook this morning only to see that our very own Ruth, affectionately known as Bear, had posted a video of herself catching a fish at Pike Place yesterday whilst on vacation. I can’t think of a person that chooses her attitude as well as Bear does!


“What a great privilege it was to visit the famous Pike Place in Seattle! They sell fish, and they have made selling fish super fun. I think many of us can identify with this working at Alchemex. We work hard but we also know how to play hard!” Ruth Gray (Bear)

Pike Place Video:

The team at Pike Place is the epitome of choosing their attitude every day, and they choose to love their work. We should all choose to love what we do.

Softline has acquired us not only for our product but for the passion in the people behind the product. They have asked us not to change our culture because they love our passion and belief in ourselves. Just like Pike Place inspired our culture let us be the inspiration to the Sage Group. Let us inspire them to love what they do.  Look at the guys in the pictures, they are not work colleagues, they are friends. Life is so much richer  when you work with friends; I can vouch for that first hand. So care about the human being that sits next to you and laugh with them when you can. Success in your work life will follow naturally.