More and more companies are calling for the necessity of business intelligence (BI) and reporting. It’s fast becoming the it word in business, and regularly features in the discussions of many business circles. However, there seems to be a gap in understanding why we need BI. What’s the point of having BI? What’s the big ‘so what?’ of BI?
It’s not as complicated as it sounds
Often, implementing the required business intelligence solutions found in your accounting or BMS system is perceived to be complex and hard to customize. Some think that massive costs and IT resources are required to gather the information. Then, once information has been gathered, they think that time needs to be spent arranging the data in an understandable format to be utilized, as IT didn’t understand the needs of the business completely when they first gathered the information.
However, this should never be the case. There are many business intelligence solutions that give you greater insight into your business with very little effort.
What are the key advantages of BI?
Gain control of your company
Improving your business relies on the use of readily available data and information. Having this fast and accurate information at your fingertips allows for more informed business decisions. Giving an employee the ability to easily and quickly gather information they require results in a knock-on effect that strengthens the company.
Mobility matters
Since smaller businesses are also focusing on being more mobile, mobile devices and applications have grown exponentially—allowing business to be conducted from anywhere and at any time. Thus, BI reporting plays an even more integral part of our daily lives. Employees won’t need to work in isolation anymore, as information can be shared easily.
Want to discover more on what’s driving the BI craze and other key advantages of running a business with the help of BI? Download The big SO WHAT of business intelligence eBook now, and find out more on this hot topic!