Sage Intelligence Report Designer Add-In

The Report Designer Add-In has revolutionized financial reporting for Sage Intelligence with its new In-Memory processing engine providing enhanced:


Enjoy a quick and responsive experience when designing and viewing financial reports.


Easily drag and drop pieces of a financial report into Excel.


Take full control of all design aspects of your financial reporting layouts.

The Report Designer Add-In is currently available for Sage 100, 300 and 500 ERP Intelligence Reporting and will be coming shortly for Sage Intelligence Financial Reporting for Sage ERP X3 and Sage Evolution Intelligence Reporting.

Take a look at what the Sage Intelligence Report Designer Add-In can do for you

How it works?

The Report Designer Add-In is an addition to the Report Designer module which presents an alternative to the current report Layout Generator to empower users to take control of all design aspects of their reporting layouts.

The Report Designer Add-In allows users to break down a report into reusable pieces and then control where and how these pieces fit together to create a report. These pieces are Excel functions which communicate with an in-memory processing engine which will guarantee performance by being able to crunch financial numbers very quickly.

While the Report Designer Add-In is installed separately, it enhances the Report Designer module.

RDA Graphic Cycle

How do you get the Add-In?

The Report Designer Add-In is available for download on your Sage Partner or Customer portal. From Sage 100 ERP 2014 and Sage 300 ERP 2014 the Add-In ships with the other Sage Intelligence Report Designer reports.

Please note:

  • You will need to own the Sage Intelligence Report Designer module in order to download the Report Designer Add-In.
  • The Release Notes and User Guide are available with the zipped Report Designer Add-in download file.