Sage Intelligence for Accounting

Try Sage Intelligence for Accounting*

To access Sage Intelligence, select Reports in the Accounting menu and then click Sage Intelligence.

Log In To Accounting

*Available at no extra cost: South Africa, Australia and Malaysia

Log In To Accounting

*Available at no extra cost: United Kingdom and Ireland

Email support

Email your support query directly to one of our Accounting support consultants. We aim to answer every query within 24 hours.

Telephonic support

Telephone support is available on

011 304 3805
0845 111 66 11

Commonly asked questions

This is a list of the most commonly asked questions about Sage Intelligence.

Watch how-to videos

Visit our YouTube channel and select your Sage product playlist for easy step-by-step demos.

Visit our YouTube channel and select your Sage product playlist for easy step-by-step demos.

Learning and resources

Whether you are just getting started or want to increase your Sage Intelligence and Excel knowledge, there are plenty resources and learning opportunities available to you.

Boot Camp Series

The Sage Intelligence Boot Camp Series for Accounting

In this exclusive business reporting boot camp series, we take you through your paces as you discover:

1. How to create your own reports and
2. Group them into management packs.

Once you worked up a sweat here, we’ll step things up a notch and work with the sales data provided in the Excel Design Pane. Follow the below infographic and get ready to dominate your Sage Intelligence for Accounting solution.

View Infographic